I could likely sing an entire mad scene about my feelings regarding introverts and extroverts. We are both at different times! Some situations make us feel more withdrawn and others more outgoing. It also changes throughout our lives. It’s important to know whether you derive energy from being around people or having your quiet time. That’s it. You do not need to wear the label like a token of office.
In either case, it is important that you know how to meet and talk to people. Introverts seem to love hiding behind their mysterious affliction to explain their inability to “network.” Extroverts claim that it’s “just about making more friends.” The real necessity to increasing your network net worth actually boils down to just showing up.
Increasing your network net worth actually boils down to just showing up.
Your Day 19 Challenge of 29 Days to Diva is to Introduce Yourself to Someone New.
This seems like one of those short and sweet challenges like yesterday. However, this is going to become a daily challenge. I want you to introduce yourself to someone new every single day. If you want to be successful, especially as a freelancer, you need to have a strong network of friends and colleagues.

Not really sure how to strike up a conversation? Try saying, “Hi.” The more often you say hello to someone, the more they assume you to be part of their social circle. No need to rush relationships. Trust takes time. It’s a lot easier to build trust when you are that smiling face who consistently says, “hi.”
Not really sure how to strike up a conversation? Try saying, “Hi.”
Cultivate a Fascinating Network
Do not limit yourself to the people who do what you do. To add significant value to your network, actively make it as diverse in thought as possible. You do not need to fear meeting new people. Interesting people make our time on earth more precious and worthwhile. Seek out those fascinating souls. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever heard on networking was, “assume you are a reporter and you absolutely must find out this person’s story.” That means you have to ask good questions. Ask, listen, observe.
But, what if I just don’t see new people? With social media, that is no longer a possibility. Say hello to a friend or follower you do not know very well. Learn about their lives, projects, and passions.
Just Show Up
Write yourself a note: Just Show Up. Stick it on your bathroom mirror. Put it next to your computer. Make it the home screen of your phone. Be the motivating force you need later. Go to the art gallery opening. Ask the name of the person who you see working at the coffee shop every time you’re there. After the concert, make a point to introduce yourself to other people in the room. When you are really feeling ready, make a plan to attend a conference and turn on your networking super powers. Participate in your many communities. Become a regular face (even better: a regular face who says “hello”) and over time you will become synonymous with the communities you once simply admired from afar.
Friends AND Acquaintances
There is a lost acknowledgement regarding the benefit of acquaintances. Per that extrovert I reference above who simply says, “just go make friends.” That can be helpful but you never truly have thousands of close friends. You can, however, have a deep, wide, and rich network of acquaintances.
Tips to Share?
I would love to read your tips for how you have mastered the art of networking. Or, tell me your fears when it comes to networking. Do you believe that stigma that “networking is a dirty word”? Please tell me all about it in the comments below!
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Up Next:
2/21: Beating Resistance
Host: Arthur Breur (@arthurbreur), web developer/composer
In Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, he talks about that part of every artist and creator that holds us back. He calls it “Resistance”, and others have called it the “Gremlin” or (in my case) “The Meddler”. It is the part of you that jumps up and tells you every reason why you shouldn’t do something or why you will fail at your endeavors.
This chat will ask participants about their experience with and awareness of Resistance, how they (and we all can) combat it and triumph over it.
Join the chat on February 21st at 9pm ET.
Not sure how a Twitter chat works? Here’s a little guide.
[…] Day 19 Challenge is to Introduce Yourself to Someone New. […]