Editor’s note: I have reblogged this from the wonderful J. M. Gerraughty’s website. Please take a moment to check out his work here and here.

Last week, Megan Ihnen, Shaya Lyon, Hillary LaBonte, Gahlord Dewald, Garrett Schumann and I (J.M. Gerraughty) started up what we’re hoping will become a weekly (or maybe bi-weekly) #musochat on Twitter.
Join us for the next one, this Sunday (July 26) at 9pm, EST.
This week’s topic: Entrepreneurialism in Music
Description: We’ve all read blogs, seen interviews, and otherwise had it pounded into our heads that the key to success in the current classical music landscape is “entrepreneurialism.” Unfortunately, this word tends to mean a lot of different things to a lot of people. This week, we discuss what entrepreneurialism means for us, and find ways in which we can integrate entrepreneurial strategies into our current career paths.
To join in, just go to Twitter and search for#musochat (or just click that link), and join in. I’ll be asking questions to the group periodically, but these are meant to stoke open conversation.
Hope to see you there!
Got any questions or topics that you’d like us to cover in the future? Want to be a moderator for #musochat? Comment below or tweet us on Sunday!