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Sybaritic Singer

Main Content

New in 2022

Thank you to everyone who has followed the Sybaritic Singer since 2010. Starting in 2022, we will no longer feature reviews on the site. You'll still find posts about music business, audience development, and creative placemaking here. Stay tuned!

Sign up for Megan's Fri-YAY emails

The Sybaritic Singer is a bridge between classical musicians and their future careers.

My work (and this site) are devoted to helping composers, performers, and creatives of all types radically transform their relationship with their careers one micro-action at a time.

Megan, of the Sybaritic Singer, is a creative force. She is a talented performer and writer who crafted her own kind of arts entrepreneurship: generous, refreshing, and inspiring.

- Thomas Deneuville, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of I CARE IF YOU LISTEN

Join The Sybaritic Singer Studio Class!

Studio Class is THE podcast for entrepreneurial singers.

Wondering how to build your singing career and still make enough money to survive? It’s not always easy and we certainly didn’t cover this fully during studio class at school. However, each one of these episodes will be packed with the micro-actions that over time will transform your relationship to your singing career.

I need that podcast


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Days in a Week


Hours in a Day


Minutes in an Hour

1:1 Coaching/Consulting with Megan

Are you looking to level up in your creative business?

If you’re feeling stuck and want to find focus, clarity and ultimately more freedom in your professionally creative life, you’re in the right place… In 1:1 Coaching/Consulting, I work with individuals and small non-profit organizations to avoid burnout and feel like they have a road map for success.

Find out more & sign up