Hot tears spilled onto our diva's pillow as she contorted her mouth into the shape of a cry, but no sound came out. The pain in her stomach …
29 Days to Diva: Day 10 – Outlining Your Project’s Brand
She stared at the computer screen. It blankly stared back at her. "Oh God," she thought, "what am I supposed to even write?" She started …
29 Days to Diva: Day 9 – The 8 Transformation Types
The cursing under her breath was creating hot little puffs of angry steam in front of our diva's face. Disappointed in the rate of speed at …
29 Day to Diva: Day 8 – Our Diva and The Professor
There had been an absolute flurry of activity for our diva after the hilariously-themed "The Rock" gala. Her Traviata performances had gone …
29 Days to Diva: Day 7 – You Gotta Know How to Schmooze, Darling
So sentimental Not sentimental no Romantic not discussing it Darling I'm down and lonely When were the fortunate only? I've been …
29 Days to Diva: Day 6 – On the Threshold of Adventure…
Everywhere she looked around her, our diva saw people actively living success after success. She saw her friends from the neighborhood …
29 Days to Diva: Day 5 – Members of the ‘Surplus Society’
Our diva had been renewed with hope. Change was bubbling up inside her like champagne after the cork had been popped. She had the flutes …
29 Days to Diva: Day 4 – The ‘open field’ moment.
Our diva slumped along the hallway to the bathroom. She didn't feel glamorous. She felt tired. She washed the day from her face. Feeling the …
29 Days to Diva: Day 3 – “What if the dream has changed?”
"This is a situation that calls for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee," our diva thought to herself as she picked up her phone to text her …